Thesis on metaprogramming in D

Don Clugston dac at
Thu Nov 30 07:46:52 PST 2006

Daniel Keep wrote:
> Don Clugston wrote:
>> When I looked at the Nemerle website, I didn't see much that couldn't 
>> be done easily with D templates. It would be interesting to find 
>> something it can do, that D can't.
>  > def sr = System.IO.StreamReader ("SomeFile.txt");
> Immutable run-time variables.  You can assign anything to them, and then 
> it can't change.  AFAIK, D's const doesn't let you do that.

It does, but only for class member variables. There are two 'const's in 
D, one for literal constants, and the other which is once-only assign, 
and should probably be called 'final' instead.

class SomeClass {
	const StreamReader sr;
	this(char [] filename) { sr = System.IO.StreamReader(filename);}


>  > macro while_macro (cond, body)
>  > syntax ("while", "(", cond, ")", body) {
>  >   <[
>  >     def loop () {
>  >       when ($cond) {
>  >         $body;
>  >         loop ()
>  >       }
>  >     }
>  >     loop ()
>  >   ]>
>  > }
> Do THAT with templates :3

void While(lazy bool cond, void delegate() body) {
    for (; cond; ) body();

Or if I can't have for() as a primitive:

void While(lazy bool cond, void delegate() body) {
loopstart: if(cond) goto done;
     goto loopstart;
> It would be foolish to think that Nemerle isn't an amazingly powerful 
> language.  D is good, and its' templates are very powerful, but they're 
> not THAT powerful.
> There is always more to learn :)

Very true.
It does seem, though, that Nemerle and D are exploring a quite similar 
'paradigm space' (so there's probably quite a bit each can learn from 
the other). Yet neither has really caught up with Lisp. Yet.

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