
Sean Kelly sean at f4.ca
Fri Oct 13 15:32:28 PDT 2006

Richard Koch wrote:
> Sean Kelly wrote:
>> Richard Koch wrote:
>>> hi,
>>> does anyone have the config files for UEStudio and D?
>> http://www.prowiki.org/wiki4d/wiki.cgi?EditorSupport/UltraEdit
>> The same process should work for UEStudio.
> thanx for the hint; the wordfile will, but uestudio is more then just
> an editor. i hoped someone would have used it and written the config 
> files for it.

The UltraEdit wordfile is mine, but I've never bothered to get 
UEStudio--I actually prefer the plain old editor for most work.  The 
prospect of integrated debugging for D almost makes it worth the upgrade 
though.  I'd be curious to see how it works.


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