D : Not for me anymore

Brad Roberts braddr at puremagic.com
Mon Oct 16 02:13:22 PDT 2006

Walter Bright wrote:
> Derek Parnell wrote:
>> On Mon, 16 Oct 2006 16:55:55 +1000, Walter Bright
>>> I encourage, and have encouraged, anyone who wants to do this. Any or 
>>> all parts of Phobos can be used as a starting point. The compiler is 
>>> my central focus, to enable great libraries to be written.
>> Are you saying that, for example, you would have no problems with 
>> Phobos being taken from DigitalMars and moved to DSource so that 
>> everyone who needed to could get to submit changes to the library that 
>> would actually be applied.
> The license for the Phobos source code certainly allows that, and that's 
> part of the point of having the license be that way. So no, I have no 
> problem with that.

Great to hear you agree.  Before going nuts, can we discuss your 
feelings towards actually using an externally hosted phobos (or other 
libraries for that matter) in future dmd release tarballs?  What sort of 
coordination would you envision?  Would you take select patches and 
merge with your internal tree?  Abandon your internal tree?  Today you 
release at your whim.  External development of pieces changes that model.

Assuming a community develops around an externally hosted (be it a fork 
or the primary) version of phobos, a slightly more mature release 
process probably ought to develop.  Maybe even introduce the concept of 
beta versions (which might help with the paper-hat bugs like left in 
debugging code :)  I'm willing to bet that people like Thomas would be 
willing to give beta releases a spin.  In his case giving it a whirl 
through dstress to find regressions before they hit the street.


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