D : Not for me anymore

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at billbaxter.com
Tue Oct 17 01:56:21 PDT 2006

Georg Wrede wrote:
> Walter Bright wrote:
>> Georg Wrede wrote:
> It's not that simple. To really alleviate the "batteries not included 
> problem", the list should be short and sweet.
> This inevitably means recommending one GUI lib, one this and one that, 
> and then showing from where, and how to get it up and running in no 
> time. The whole point of the text being Simplicity.
> But then every competing GUI and other lib would come crying about why 
> they are not chosen or included. Even worse, if such a text were on the 
> DM site itself, this would obviously give some semi-official status to 
> the chosen, and the rivals would feel bad.

Is there really so much D code that they couldn't just all be in there? 
  I'd love to have them all in one place so I could take em all for a 
spin and see what works for me.  How big would it be?  Python's up to a 
10MB download now, but I'm certainly not complaining about it.  It could 
be 50MB for all I care.

The other option is to have something net-connected like the python 
easy_install stuff or the cygwin installer, or I suppose things like 
fink (though I've never used it), and apt-get.   Of those I think the 
Cygwin model makes most sense.  You get a front-end configurator to run 
that lets you pick which modules you want in addition to the core.  Of 
course that's a lot more work / infrastructure to set up.


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