Would there be interest in a SERIOUS compile-time regex parser?
Reiner Pope
reiner.pope at REMOVE.THIS.gmail.com
Tue Oct 17 23:40:58 PDT 2006
Knud Sørensen wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Oct 2006 12:23:33 -0700, Walter Bright wrote:
>> Don Clugston wrote:
>>> There's a potential piece of syntax sugar that IMHO would be a killer
>>> feature. If it were possible to overload a function based on whether a
>>> parameter is a compile-time literal, or a variable, the use of template
>>> metaprogramming could become completely invisible to the user.
>> That is a good idea.
> That put a crazy idea into my head.
> disclaimer: My education is in physics not computer science,
> I have no idea of how to write a compiler so my view may be very wrong ;-)
> I have previously suggested that D handle functions on compile-time
> literal by making them inline and let the optimizer evaluate them.
> Would it be possible to combine the template-engine and the optimizer
> such that one of them could be refactored away ??
This is a very interesting question and I've thought a fair bit about this.
Three short answers:
1. This would be easy to do (ie it is only heavy syntax sugar) for a
limited subset of the language (this subset would exclude reference
2. It would be possible to do for almost the entire language, but would
require a real interpreter at compile time, which means a fair bit more
work (but still possible and very appealing).
3. Neither of these two mechanisms would be enough to do away with the
primary motivation for templates -- parameterised types. However, they
would remove the need for a Turing-complete template system.
Long answers:
1. Value semantics are inherently easier for a compiler to handle,
because evaluation of them is just done by inlining, const folding and
const propagation. Right now, an automated conversion of normal D
functions to template form is pretty much possible, using the following
- convert every function to a template
- convert every assignment to a variable into static single
assignment form:
a = 5;
a = 6;
const a__1 = 5;
const a__2 = 6;
- convert function calls into template instantiations
a = foo();
const a__1 = foo!().__val;
- convert returns into
const __val = whatever;
- now that everything is constant, we can use static if instead of
if everywhere. So, just convert all ifs into static ifs.
- convert loops into recursive functions:
while (condition)
{ ... }
template __Loop1(local_variables....)
// Do stuff
static if (condition) __val = _Loop10!(new_local_variables).__val;
This basically does it but, since the template system only allows value
semantics, this conversion must only allow them, so it means:
- no pointers
- no classes
- no index-setting/slice-setting of arrays
- no inout/out parameters
and also
- no assembly
- no C code
because the template system can't be expected to handle them.
2. By implementing a real interpreter in the compiler, you can handle
reference semantics. The only things you can't handle are
- assembly
- other languages
- global non-const variables (which should generally be avoided anyway)
Both of these systems would incorporate a way of saying, 'evaluate this
at compile time', even if it were just as simple as declaring the
variable const, using it as a template parameter or in a static if:
version (good) { const int N = 80; }
else { const int N = 16 }
const foo = sqrt(N); // foo is 4
static if (sqrt(foo) > 3) // that expression must be a compile-time
alias ubyte MyByte;
alias byte MyByte;
List!(foo, MyByte) myList;
The main motivations for this are, (in decreasing order of importance):
- ability to use runtime functions for static if and template
parameters (where static if is important because of
- early catching of errors (eg incorrect regexes)
- efficiency (eg not having to compile the regex at runtime; also,
having cheap reflection at compile time)
In my opinion, fully supporting an interpreter at compile time simply
turns metaprogramming into normal D with the requirement that it be
optimized away by the compiler, and the extensibility and opportunities
that this could allow is a huge motivation. However, being a very large
amount of work with a lot of details, there is no hope of it being
completed any time soon, but I think the motivation is so much that it
is worth devoting an entire release of D (maybe 2.0 or 3.0) to being a
'metaprogramming release.'
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