D : Not for me anymore

Sean Kelly sean at f4.ca
Wed Oct 18 06:19:17 PDT 2006

Bruno Medeiros wrote:
> Sean Kelly wrote:
>> Lionello Lunesu wrote:
>>> "Walter Bright" <newshound at digitalmars.com> wrote in message 
>>> news:eh0hgs$q8h$1 at digitaldaemon.com...
>>>> I'm happy to merge things in, but am reluctant to do so without 
>>>> reviewing the diffs line by line.
>>> That's what we have now. I think it's time for you to let go of Phobos. 
>> It's a bit more complicated than that, since Phobos includes a bunch 
>> of compiler runtime code used by DMD.  This is also why GDC has a 
>> separate GPhobos where the only substantive difference is this runtime 
>> code.
>>> There can't be a community lead standard library from which you take 
>>> patches to include into DMD's distribution.
>> Sure there can.
>>  > We'd end up with another Ares.
>> I think Ares isn't used widely for two (or perhaps three) reasons:
>> * Visibility
>> * Features
>> * Endorsement (maybe)
> Speaking of Ares, there is something I've wanted to have clarified, 
> which is apropos to this discussion:
> My issue with Ares, is actually one of objective/purpose. The goal of 
> Ares is stated to be an alternative to Phobos, but my question is how 
> much of an alternative?
> Is it meant as a general, encompassing alternative to Phobos, targeted 
> to the general (D) programmer populace, or is it a specific alternative, 
> where it aims to deal with some issues you (and some more coders) have 
> with Phobos, but not go further than that? Because a standard lib is a 
> wide and ranged collection of code, and all modules and aspects of it 
> need to be well-considered.

It's original aim was to be a complete replacement, but a lack of 
community participation changed the focus a bit.  Ares is now really 
just a minimal framework on top of which a standard library may be 
built.  And progress there has stalled a bit in the past few months 
because I've been too busy with other things.  However, I do have some 
redesign ideas in mind that should hopefully bear fruit before too 
terribly long.  And these are intended both to address deficiencies in 
the original design and to hopefully make for the beginnings of a better 


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