Anyone interested in a Spirit for D?
ericanderton at
Wed Oct 18 14:21:06 PDT 2006
Bill Baxter wrote:
> [snip]
> Though, you know, even thinking about Boost::Spirit, I have to wonder if
> it really is necessary. From the intro it says that it's primary use is
> "extremely small micro-parsers", not a full blown language processor.
> But if that's the target then the runtime overhead of translating the
> EBNF description to a parser would be pretty trivial. So I guess the
> real benefit of a compile-time parser-generator is that your grammar can
> be _verified_ at compile-time.
From what I gather, that's the major benefit, other than a
"self-documenting design". All the "prettyness" of using a near EBNF
syntax in C++ code gets you close enough to actual EBNF that it's
apparent what and how it functions.
However, the only problem with composing this as an EBNF compile-time
parser, is that you can't attach actions to arbitrary terminals without
some sort of binding lookup. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it'll
be a little odd to use until we get some stronger reflection support.
But what you're suggesting could just as easily be a Compile-Time
rendition of Enki. It's quite possible to pull off. Especially if you
digest the grammar one production at a time as to side-step any
recursion depth limitations when processing the parser templates. :)
auto grammar = new Parser(
Production!("Number ::= NumberPart {NumberPart}",
// binding attached to production ('all' is supplied by default?)
void function(char[] all){
writefln("Parsed Number: %s",all);
Production!("NumberPart ::= Sep | Digit "),
Production!("Digit ::= 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9"),
Production!("Sep ::= '_' | ','")
// call specifying start production
Depending on how you'd like the call bindings to go, you could probably
go about as complex as what Enki lets you get away with. But you'll
have to accept a 'soft' binding in there someplace, hence you loose the
type/name checking benefits of being at compile time.
> I wonder if it would be any easier to make a compile-time grammar
> verifier than a full blown parser generator? Then just do the
> parser-generating at runtime.
Maybe I don't fully understand, but I don't think there's a gain there.
If you've already gone through the gyrations of parsing the BNF
expression, it's hardly any extra trouble to do something at each step
of the resulting parse tree*.
(* of course template-based parsers use the call-tree as a parse-tree
but that's besides the point)
- EricAnderton at yahoo
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