Anyone interested in a Spirit for D?
Bill Baxter
dnewsgroup at
Wed Oct 18 16:47:49 PDT 2006
Walter Bright wrote:
> Bill Baxter wrote:
>> But given Don's experiments with compile-time text parsing in D, it's
>> conceivable that in D the above parser could just be created with:
>> r = make_parser("real_number (',' real_number)*");
>> I.e. use the EBNF version directly in a string literal that gets
>> parsed at compile time.
>> That would be pretty cool.
> Yes, it would be. But there's a catastrophic problem with it. Spirit
> enables code snippets to be attached to terminals by overloading the []
> operator. If the EBNF was all in a string literal, this would be
> impossible.
But maybe you could allow the user to access those terminals via strings:
or just
r.add_action("real_number", &func);
>> So I guess the real benefit of a compile-time parser-generator is that
>> your grammar can be _verified_ at compile-time.
> I disagree. I think the real benefit is avoiding reliance on an add-on
> tool. Such tools are a nuisance; making archival, maintenance, etc.,
> clumsy.
Hmm. Well if no external tools is the main benefit, then simply making
Lex/Yacc (or more apropriately, Enki) into a library should be
sufficient. I guess you do need some way to attach code to terminals at
runtime, but that's doable via various existing callback mechanisms.
The machinery needed is basically the same as signals/slots. You just
need to be able to do something like
connect(ASTreeNode.accept(), mycode);
at runtime.
Then you should be able to get this kind of thing to work:
auto r = make_parser_node("real_number (',' real_number)*");
r.add_action("real_number", &func);
using nothing but runtime parsing of the grammar to build your AST. No
fancy templates needed, except perhaps in adding the callback to &func.
That kind of thing could be done in C++ too.
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