Spurring development (was Re: D : Not for me anymore)

Knud Sørensen 12tkvvb02 at sneakemail.com
Wed Oct 18 17:29:07 PDT 2006

hi Chad 

I plan to start an open source D project very soon, 
so maybe next summer there will be a opportunity.

>> --bb
> It'd be nice if someone would apply for mentorship for summer of code 
> '07.  You don't have much to lose.  I was looking at the summer of code 
> in 2006 as a student and didn't see any D projects on there, but I was 
> probably too late anyways.  If someone were to be a mentor for 2007 with 
> a D project, I would seriously look at doing that.  That $4500 stipend 
> is mighty appealing at my current pay level of nothing with the 
> studentacious employment potential of a mcjob.
> So... who wants an extra developer next summer? :)

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