my demise

Kyle Furlong kylefurlong at
Thu Oct 19 13:19:42 PDT 2006

Fredrik Olsson wrote:
> Richard Koch skrev:
>> most horrifying was the lack of an integrated editor debugger thingy.
>> as a user i think it is becoming at least deterring
> What is wrong with Emacs and gdb?
> Why not try out Walters own debugger tips at:
> I am quite sure that if it is good enough for Walter, it is good enough 
> for you and me.

Absolutely false. In the context he is speaking of, managers are looking 
for tools that will enable RAD. D is certainly not capable of calling 
itself a RAD language. (For the language novice) With C#, most any 
competent programmer who has never seen the language before can sit down 
at the IDE and bang out an app in a day, with little hassle.

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