Contributing to the compiler? Tracking suggestions?
Tomas Lindquist Olsen
tomas at
Mon Oct 23 05:02:49 PDT 2006
Don Clugston wrote:
> Bill Baxter wrote:
>> Walter Bright wrote:
>>> Bill Baxter wrote:
>>>> There's also the tracker for D [2], but a comment on one enhancement
>>>> proposal I saw there says that the D issue tracker is reserved for
>>>> suggestions that received positive feedback from Walter, but many
>>>> good ideas are just ignored by Walter until like 90% the community
>>>> jumps up and down about it simultaneously.
>>> The suggestions for new features come in *daily*, sometimes several
>>> times a day. It's not possible to give a thoughtful response to them
>>> all, and it would be inappropriate to give a flip response.
>>> Let alone the impossibility of implementing all of them, or even all
>>> the good ones.
>>> So some sort of vetting process has to happen.
>> Understood. I wasn't trying to say you *should* personally respond to
>> every single thing that comes in -- if you did, you'd waste all your
>> time on the newsgroup, and D would never go anywhere.
>> But the fact is you don't have time, and many of the suggestions seem
>> like good ones, so the question is what's the best way to
>> A) make these suggestions as digestible as possible for you (and
>> others), [e.g. more formal proposal structure with well-considered
>> discussion of pros-and-cons and ramifications; or say outright patches
>> to GDC] so they have more chance of being considered/accepted.
>> B) Even if not accepted make sure they get on a TODO list, somewhere,
>> or at least TO-THINK-MORE-ABOUT list. I personally like the wiki as a
>> place for that, but I think that page has been around on Wiki4D for a
>> while but gotten very little attention.
Now that would actually be a good thing I think
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