Suggestion: wrapping up value type objects

Don Clugston dac at
Wed Oct 25 05:24:07 PDT 2006

Kristian wrote:
> I found it strange that D has no copy/clone operator, lets say 'opClone'.
> Before you say that there is a reason for it and D does not handle 
> objects as value types (like C++ does), I have to point out that D 
> already handles (or should handle) objects as value types in some 
> situations. I'm talking about the 'opXxx' operators ('opAdd', 'opSub', 
> etc).
> First I have to say that I'm not against using objects as reference 
> types. But, sometimes it's necessary to create value types (out of 
> classes), and using them could be easier than it's now.
> If a class has an 'opXxx' operator, then it normally returns a temporary 
> object. Also the following should be true: 'a <op>= b' <-> 'a = a <op> 
> b'. (Otherwise it would be a very rare case.)
> Dublication is needed when creating a temporary object (in 'opXxx'). So, 
> why don't add the 'opClone' operator to the language? I mean, there 
> already are 'opXxx' functions. Why don't standardize the way of creating 
> copies/clones?
> Then you could get rid of all the 'opXxx' and 'opXxx_r' functions: they 
> can be expressed by using 'opClone' and 'opXxxAssign' only.

Not necessarily. Consider Vector and Matrix.

Matrix a;
Matrix b;
Vector c;
a  = b * c;
a = b.opClone().opMulAssign(c); // OK.

a = c * b;
a = c.opClone().opMulAssign(b);
// Oops -- we cloned the vector, should have cloned the matrix instead.

In fact, in general you cannot even assume that
(typeof(a*b) == typeof(a)) |  (typeof(a*b) == typeof(b))

which means that cloning would sometimes create useless temporary objects.

  That would
> also remove any unnecessary temporary objects from statements making 
> calculations very efficient (as stated earlier). For example:
>     a = (b * c) + d;
> ->
>     a = b.opClone().opMulAssign(c).opAddAssign(d);
> And as mentioned in some earlier posts, you could also have binary and 
> unary clone operators. E.g. (I use '<-' here):
>     a <- b;
> ->
>     a = b.opClone();

int a = 2;
int b = -3;
if (a<-b) { ... }
That particular one doesn't work. But := might be ok.

> The 'opClone()' function can also have a default implementation (done by 
> the compiler). All the member variables are dublicated by default. For 
> example:
>     class Foo {
>         int a;
>         Bar b;
>     }
> The default 'opClone' would then be (generated by the compiler):
>     Foo opClone() {
>         Foo ret = new Foo;
>         ret.a = a;
>         ret.b = b.opClone();
>         return(ret);
>     }
> If that's not wanted, or possible, then you can always implement the 
> function by yourself, of course.
> Finally, there could also be easier way to create local objects (they 
> too are discussed earlier in various posts). For example:
>     Foo obj();  //a local object, already constructed

Currently, that compiles, and is equivalent to:

Foo function() obj;

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