Eclipse plugin

Ary Manzana ary at
Tue Oct 31 19:06:38 PST 2006

Charlie escribió:
> Ok I see, I have to first install DDT , then unzip the package.

No, it dosen't depend on DDT. In fact I guess they conflict with each other.
> Then it gives me *two* D project options, and only the icon is different.

The one from the descent plugin creates a "src" folder, check this to be 

> After finding out that the open folder with the D is the descent project 
> type I get it working, and the parser works great!  I would think this 
> is one of the hardest parts so its cool to see how far you've developed it.
> I didn't get highlighted errors as I typed however.

Probably because my editor wasn't being used: instead, the DDT editor 
was used.

> This looks like its going to be a great project.
> Charlie
> Charlie wrote:
>>  > As anyone tried the plugin? I'm looking for some feedback...
>> I can't get it to work, I unzip the package , it expands to
>> features/descent.ui_1.0.0.jar
>> plugins/*core*
>> plugins/*tests*
>> plugins/*ui*

Copy what is found in "features" to the "features" folder under eclipse. 
The same goes for the "plugin" folder. And delete plugins provided by 
DDT (I guess org.dsource.ddt.*). I guess they conflict with each other.

You _should_ see the new D Project option in the "New Project" wizard 
just doing that... If you get it to work, please leave some answer to 
some FAQ in:


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