Suggestion: dynamic array operations

nobody nobody at
Thu Sep 7 08:19:12 PDT 2006

Steve Horne wrote:
> On Wed, 06 Sep 2006 15:43:42 -0700, Sean Kelly <sean at> wrote:
>> Gregor Richards wrote:
>>> Erm, totally misread everything.  Wowza.
> No problem.
> To be honest, I regretted posting. I have a habit of being too abrupt
> and causing offense. Plus I have a lot of time on my hands ATM, and
> getting bored and writing reams on silly stuff can easily end up
> looking like criticism. Sorry if thats what happened.


> But I still think there should be alternative containers in the
> library (assuming they're not there anyway and I've just missed them).
> I know the term 'perfect hash', but the term is precisely that - not
> 'perfect container'! There are things that hashtables can't do (or at
> least, can't do very efficiently for large datasets) like in-order
> iterating or picking out an ordered subrange.

So what sort of silly stuff would you write about possible benefits derived from 
having a list data structure built into the language?

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