Overloading the assignment operator, right now!

Hasan Aljudy hasan.aljudy at gmail.com
Sat Sep 16 13:29:05 PDT 2006

pragma wrote:
> Hasan Aljudy wrote:
>> I vote:
>> No for copy operators.
>> Specially no for the ugly and cumbersome-to-type := operator.
>> Yes for auto-generated copy methods/properties. (both deep and shallow)
>> T x = b.dup.deep;
>> T y = b.dup.shallow;
> The only problem with this is that you can't have a compiler-generated 
> deep copy without taking on some serious consequences and/or risks. IMO, 
> that's too much effort for a compiler author, for a feature that is so 
> limited in use and scope.
> Take this guy for example:
> class TreeNode{
>   TreeNode parent;
>   TreeNode[] children;
> }
> What about cyclic references in networks of objects (.parent in above)? 
>  You'd have to have some kind of monitor that keeps track of all the 
> references consumed by the dup.deep() process, just to avoid cycles. 
> Either it's an Object field that flags its status during a dup() or a 
> massive array/map that keeps log of every object touched - either one 
> can amount to some very serious space/time overhead.
> A stub deep copy, one that lives on Object, isn't possible either since 
> D doesn't have the reflection mojo to pull it off.  Even if it did, 
> would you really want to generate a deep copy of an object network 
> completely via reflection?  It'd be painfully slow.
> Invariably, a custom-coded clone() or dup() of some kind that allows for 
> deep copying on request is the best approach - take a look at how other 
> languages (e.g. Java) shy away from implementing a deep copy directly 
> into the language.
> class TreeNode{
>   TreeNode parent;
>   TreeNode[] children;
>   TreeNode clone(TreeNode copyParent){
>     TreeNode copy = new TreeNode();
>     foreach(child; this.children){
>       copy.children ~= child.clone(copy);
>     }
>     copy.parent = copyParent;
>     return copy;
>   }
> }
> What's wrong with doing things like this?

I actually never thought about the problem. Thanks for clearing things out.

> Now, I do think that providing a shallow-copy, dup(), as a member of 
> Object is a no-brainer.  You can easily do this at the binary level via 
> memcopy with little to no effort, and no real side-effects.  Plus it 
> would make the current schism between objects and arrays a little less 
> obvious (that is, make templates easier to code).

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