D compilers compatibility

%u casper18_830603 at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 18 02:58:08 PDT 2006

can you plz help me doing a program using a TERMINATE STAY
just only simple program were doing just only indicate our name in the
4 corner of our monitor while we enter the invalid letter or any
keyboard that we press..... plz help me plz we need to submit  it next
week........ TNX 4 reading my message wish and pray that you can help me
doing this program........BYE tnx..........
by the way im RYAN LIM frm  BAUANG, LA UNION a 4th YEAR colleges taking
up a computer engineering........wish you can help me doing this TSR
bye wish you reply as soon as possible if you can.......we use a dos
program a MASM or TASM....

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