Reflection Idea

Pragma ericanderton at
Wed Sep 27 11:50:38 PDT 2006

Josh Stern wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Sep 2006 18:32:05 -0400, Pragma wrote:
>> Craig Black wrote:
>>> Since DDL provides run-time reflection, and is finally ready to use, I 
>>> thought it would be a good time to share my idea to improve performance when 
>>> accessing metadata.
>>> However, we could get the metadata more quickly if it was available via the 
>>> TypeInfo class.  This could be made possible very easily if the TypeInfo 
>>> class contained a reference to an IReflection interface.  This reference 
>>> could be set by the reflection database at program startup.  This would 
>>> provide a direct link to meta data for each class, and would make reflection 
>>> a first class citizen in D.
>> The only reason why I'd consider full-on reflection for D a bad move is 
>> that it'll bloat program sizes considerably.  This is kind of contrary 
>> to D's goal as a systems programming language.  Taking into 
>> consideration the sheer size of your average .map file is a good 
>> indicator of just how bad things can get.
> Different people undoubtably have contrasting ideas about what they'd
> like to use reflection for.   In my mind, the most important application
> of Java's reflection interface is the automation of object serialization.
> Since I/O programming tends to be one of the most time consuming and
> error-prone aspects of development, any sort of powerful automation
> in this area is valuable.  I'm a newbie to D, but as far as I can tell
> from the docs, the info to do something comparable isn't available in 
> the binary files or the compile time interface.

I agree with you completely, Josh.  D really needs both a runtime and a 
compile-time reflection facility to suit all modes of use.  On the 
compile-time side, there have been some rather amazing efforts to use 
templates to provide traits and other info - but there's obviously some 
stuff missing from TypeInfo.

>> So I'd caution the addition of adding such a suite to D as something 
>> optional if at all possible.  Even something minimalisitc would work - 
>> like the inclusion of just a hashtable of all the program's symbols 
>> (metadata as Craig put it above) that is *optionally* compiled in.
> It could be supported without bloat by making the info either something
> which is either statically accessed or else dynamically loaded from
> a supplemental database file.  Opening up useful interfaces to the
> language parser and using them  in separate tools (i.e. like Open C++)
> is another possible approach to compile time reflection.

FWIW, I have the "dynamically loaded from a supplemental database file" 
part done.  DDL just uses the map file:

module reflect;
import ddl.DefaultRegistry;

void test(){
     Stdout.put("Hello DDL World"c).put(CR);

void main(){
     auto registry = new DefaultRegistry();
     auto inSitu = registry.load("");

     auto testFn = inSitu.getDExport!(void function(),"reflect.test")();

It's not as pretty as Java's reflection suite, but IMO, it's only a few 
wrapper classes away from that level of utility.

- EricAnderton at yahoo

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