First Impressions

Johan Granberg lijat.meREM at
Fri Sep 29 13:14:37 PDT 2006

Georg Wrede wrote:
> Wrong.
> And that's precisely what I meant about the Daddy holding bike allegory 
> a few messages back.
> The current system seems to work "by magic". So, if you do go to China, 
> itll "just work".
> At this point you _should_ not believe me. :-) But it still works.
> ---

But is this not a needless source of confusion, that could be eliminated 
by defining char as "big enough to hold a unicode code point" or 
something else that eliminates the possibility to incorrectly divide utf 

I will have to try using char[] with non ascii characters thou I have 
been using dchar fore that up till now.

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