Feature Request: Keyword as identifier.

icee iceelyne at gmail.com
Sat Sep 30 07:09:28 PDT 2006

Fortunately i don't have to handle this in the real cases right now.
Thanks for all the suggestions.
Wrapper like "C_version" maybe is a little ugly,:) and not convenient 
Your proposal about extren(...) may be a good solution, and focus on the 
foreign symbol name.

What i'm requesting is the general ability to use any reserved word as 
identifier in D codes,
Because of the complexity of D language, it require more words to be 
reserved. this may break the programmer's naming rule and convenience. I 
think allowing keyword as id may improve the user experience.
@version? $version? @(...any)? or some what ?

> "cos'"?

I mean "because" Coz My poor and lazy En;)

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