Newsgroups & Discussions

janderson askme at
Sun Apr 1 02:33:05 PDT 2007

Georg Wrede wrote:
> Looking at this in hindsight, we've seen worse here. At one time folks 
> were almost lynching Walter, and now that I think about it, actually on 
> more than one occasion, with different reasons each time.
Kinda OT however one thing I've observed about Walters replies is that 
he is very diplomatic.  I mean even if he doesn't agree with something, 
his answers (at least to me) seem to be fair and not-an-attack (ok, 
whats a better word for this?).  I note, that often he ignores issues 
that are controversial.  I imagine that he won't be replying to this 
thread, or at least only to parts that are not controversial.

Of course most people are Walter supporters here, so the best examples 
of this are: that recent speech Walter did with those C++ people and 
also Walters replies to groups like the SlashDot crowd.  Although I have 
to admit, there have been a couple of slashdot messages he sent where 
frustration appeared to get the better of him.

Working this way I think actually enhances your position; making people 
much more likely to agree with your point of view.  It is particularly 
good when you show an understanding of the others point of view.

Note, I'm not sucking up to Walter and I know that there are other 
regulars on this group that are very good at keeping conversions 
professional, but I don't want to single anyone else out (because I'd 
probably forget someone).

I hope this does not sound like an attack on anyone, I just think the 
way Walter replies to messages is a good example of how to work 
effectively on this group.  If only we could all write as well as Walter.

BTW:  Does anyone have any websites on effectively dealing with people 
(face to face).  Its actually something I am continually trying to 
improve in myself.


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