String & delimit

Pragma ericanderton at
Tue Apr 3 09:45:46 PDT 2007

Dié wrote:
> Hello
> I have this string:
> blablabla thisis a string example <i_need_this_text>
> With Tango.text.Util i think i can use "delimit" function for extracting the test "i_need_this_text".
> delimit("blablabla thisis a string example <i_need_this_text>","<>")
> But i found in
> the delimit declaration:
> T[][] delimit (T)(T[] src, T[] set);
> and now how can i correctly use this function with template? I suppose i must declare e template like this
> template TText(T){alias T* t;}
> but i dont understand how use the template with the delimit function.
> Someone can explain me?
> Thank you!

First of all, the template uses Inline Function-Template Instantiation (IFTI); the compiler will *deduce* what 'T' is 
based on the arguments you pass to delimit().  Just call it like "delimit(string1,string2)" and it'll work fine.

Second, let's look at the documentation for the delimit() function:

 > # T[][] delimit (T)(T[] src, T[] set);
 >     Split the provided array wherever a delimiter-set instance is found,
 > and return the resultant segments. The delimiters are excluded from
 > each of the segments. Note that delimiters are matched as a set of
 > alternates rather than as a pattern.

Arguably, this is not the best description in the world.  It makes much more sense after seeing an example of what it does:

auto x = delimit("One,Two;Three.Four&Five",",;.&");

The variable x will now be an array of strings, containing "One","Two","Three","Four", and "Five" in that order.  It's 
important to note that the second argument of the delimit() function is used as a series of single-character delimiters 
that are used to split up the source string.  The delimiters themselves are not returned.

- EricAnderton at yahoo

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