BLADE 0.2Alpha: Vector operations with mixins, expression templates, and asm

Pragma ericanderton at
Tue Apr 3 12:10:49 PDT 2007

Don Clugston wrote:
> I have been trying to come up with a convincing use case for the new 
> mixins (and for metaprogramming in general). My best effort to date can 
> be found at:
> It generates near-optimal x87 asm code for BLAS1-style basic vector 
> operations. 32, 64 and 80 bit vectors are all supported.
> Compile with -version=BladeDebug to see the asm code which is generated.
> Typical usage:
> void main()
> {
>     auto p = Vec([1.0L, 2, 18]);    // a vector of 80-bit reals.
>     auto q = Vec([3.5L, 1.1, 3.8]);  // ditto
>     auto r = Vec([17.0f, 28.25, 1]); // a vector of 32-bit floats
>     auto z = Vec([17.0i, 28.1i, 1i]); // a vector of 64-bit idoubles
>     real d = dot(r, p+r+r);
>     ireal e = dot(r, z);
>     q -= ((r+p)*18.0L*314.1L - (p-r))* 35;
>     d = dot(r, p+r+r);
> }
> Notice that mixed-length operations (real[] + float[] - double[]) are 
> supported.
> Like the C++ Blitz++ library, expression templates are used to convert 
> vector expressions into efficient element-wise operations. Unlike that 
> library, however, there is no reliance on the compiler's optimiser. 
> Instead, the expression template is manipulated as text, converted into 
> postfix, and then passed to a simple CTFE compile-time assembler, which 
> creates highly efficient asm code which is used as a mixin.
> To understand the later parts of the code, you need some knowledge of 
> x87 assembler. In fact, you probably need to have read Agner Fog's 
> superb Pentium optimisation manual (
> Some observations:
> * I was amazed at how simple the expression template code is (it is 
> somewhat cluttered by the code to check for real/imaginary type mismatch 
> errors).
> * I've often read that the x87 floating-point stack is notoriously 
> difficult for compilers to write code for, but it works quite well in 
> this case.
> * The major workarounds are:
> - inability to use a tuple element directly from asm code (bug #1028);
> - inability to define operators for built-in arrays (hence the use of 
> 'Vec' wrappers).
> - inability to index through a tuple in a CTFE function (solved by 
> converting types into a string).
> * There have been mutterings about how unhygenic/dangerous the new 
> mixins are. In this case, the mixin forms the _entire_ body of the 
> function. This is an interesting situation which I think a language 
> purist will find more palatable.
> Enjoy.

This is a work of art Don - it's practically a compiler extension.  Nice job. :)

For others that are interested in how this actually gets the job done, I found this in your documentation:

* Expression templates are used to create an expression string of the form "(a+b*c)+d"
* and a tuple, the entries of which correspond to a, b, c, d, ...
* This string is converted to postfix. The postfix string is converted to
* a string containing x87 asm, which is then mixed into a function which accepts the tuple.

- EricAnderton at yahoo

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