Legal/Permission Question

Gregor Richards Richards at
Tue Apr 3 14:55:22 PDT 2007

Dan wrote:
> Hey Walter/anyone?
> Considering that my Walnut 2.x engine performs much the same functionality as DMDScript, but that Walnut 2.x is written significantly differently on a structural level...
> DMDScript is a GPL v1 engine, and Walnut 2.x is a new BSD engine.
> When I fill in the function stubs for, for example, Number_prototype_toFixed, am I allowed to examine Walter's DMDScript source code, write something similar (but obviously not the same) and still call it new BSD?
> What requirements are there to do such a thing?

This is one of many distinctions between copyright and patent.

Copyright covers the RIGHT to COPY. NOTHING ELSE. Unless you signed a 
license or contract specifying that you can't use it as a reference, you 

  - Gregor Richards

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