String & delimit

david tazz at
Wed Apr 4 05:28:30 PDT 2007

Dié schrieb:
> Hello
> I have this string:
> blablabla thisis a string example <i_need_this_text>

Hello Dié,
did you get it worked out?

If not:

import std.regexp;
int main(char[][] args)
	char[] message = "just <a> few <tags>, no <nesting here>";
	RegExp rg = new RegExp("<.*>", "g");
	char[][] res = rg.match(message);

	assert(res[0] == "<a>");
	assert(res[1] == "<tags>");
	assert(res[2] == "<nesting here>");

	// remove the delimiters
	foreach(inout v; res)
		v = v[1..$-1];

	assert(res[0] == "a");
	assert(res[1] == "tags");
	assert(res[2] == "nesting here");

If you need nesting (is this possible with RexExp? Found nothing...)
you can use the function
	char[][] findNesting(char[] string, char left, char right)
in the file (strex.d) I attached,
which splits
	"this <test> is <advanced, as <you can> see>a<b<c>d>><e"
	"advanced, as <you can> see"
	"you can"
(see test.d for examples)

If you want correct nesting but only the innermost tags,
apply the function
	bool containsTag(char[] string, char left, char right)
also in the attached strex.d in combination with
	char[][] findNesting(char[] string, char left, char right)

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