Google video about consepts
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Thu Apr 5 11:12:44 PDT 2007
Knud Soerensen wrote:
> Hi
> I found this interesting google video.
> Concepts: Extending C++ Templates For Generic Programming
Somewhat related to that, if you want to check if a template type implements some function without requiring interfaces, here's a quick template:
> template funcmatch(T, char[] name, RetType, Parameters ...) {
> mixin("static assert(is(typeof(T."~name~")), \""~T.stringof~": Function "~name~" not implemented!\");");
> mixin("static assert(is(ReturnType!(T."~name~")==RetType), \""~T.stringof
> ~": Return type is \"~ReturnType!(T."~name~").stringof~\", should be \"~RetType.stringof);");
> mixin("static assert(is(ParameterTypeTuple!(T."~name~")==Parameters), \""~T.stringof
> ~": Function parameters are \"~ParameterTypeTuple!(T."~name~").stringof~\", "
> ~"should be \"~Parameters.stringof);");
> }
use it like template foo(T) { mixin funcmatch!(T, "mustImplement", int, float, char[]); }
This will make sure T implements a int mustImplement(float, char[]) and output a helpful error message if it doesn't.
greetings -- downs
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