BLADE 0.2Alpha: Vector operations with mixins, expression templates,

janderson askme at
Sat Apr 7 22:45:59 PDT 2007

Dan wrote:
> Current compilers tend to dump IR's to a buffer and then adjust them according to parser rules.  The wrong approach.
> I totally want to see this kind of programming get implemented into the compiler itself.  I know it's too much to ask, but if DMD could generate optimal floating point math and cache pipelines, it would rend the gaming industry from C++'s hands REAL quick like.
> A C++ programmer can say:
> "oh yeah, it's a minor upgrade made for my convenience, but I'm already conveniently comfortable with C++"...
> Until a decision maker sees that D performs 20% better, dramatically reduces debugging time, cuts source code volume, and has better version control.

That would be nice and would help however I think it'll take more then 
that to convince a Game company to switch to D, particularly ones using 

It would have to be a startup company that is not working 360, perhaps a 
Nintendo, sony, Linux or perhaps windows.  I say perhaps, because if a 
company is going to switch to anything its probably XNA.  Now if we had 
D for Net, maybe the story would be slightly different.

I do like the idea of using D for games, I just see it as being a hard 
sell.  Scripting and tools are probably the main gateway for D into the 
game programming world.

Once a few game companies start using it in their main project and can 
demonstrate productivity/speed improvements then the wall may indeed 
start to crumble.


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