DSSS, Dsource, and cpan
Gregor Richards
Richards at codu.org
Wed Apr 11 00:39:57 PDT 2007
Walter Bright wrote:
> Andrei suggested that a huge resource for Perl users is
> http://www.cpan.org. Not only is it full of reusable Perl code, it is
> very easy to access via
> http://search.cpan.org/~jhi/perl-5.8.0/lib/CPAN.pm, and is a big factor
> in the ongoing success of Perl.
> It seems to me that we are close to this with DSSS coupled with Dsource.
> So can we get closer?
> I.e., can we change dsource so that there are two kinds of projects:
> 1) Projects that are not certified, and
> 2) Projects that are certified
> Certified projects must meet certain minimum requirements:
> 1) They can be installed using DSSS
> 2) They compile and run their unit tests
> 3) They have ddoc documentation for their APIs
> In other words, a project that is certified is one that is easy for
> users to install, has documentation, and at least appears to work.
> Boost, another successful library repository, also adds on peer review.
> Perhaps in the future, as our user base grows, we can add another layer
> of certification for projects that pass peer review.
> Any thoughts?
For what it's worth, other than creating DSSS itself I've taken some
steps along these lines.
I have a testing framework which checks whether dsss-net-installable
tools succeed across all the systems I can x-compile to, with results
posted at http://dsss.codu.org/results.html (I'm still working out some
kinks, so there are false-negatives there ;) )
Unit tests would be an excellent next-step for that page: a 'yellow'
indicator would mean "compiles, but unittests failed."
If this data was all stored in a standard way, DSSS could access it to
provide more information on installable tools than what is provided now.
That would be quite nice. Options could be added such as:
$ dsss net info bintod
Description: bintod is a utility for translating binary data into D
char[] arrays, so that it can easily be compiled into a program.
Tests: Passes on 9/10 platforms
FAILS on 8086-sysv
- Gregor Richards
PS: In case nobody knew, all of DSSS' functionality can be used in any
program by importing sss.build, sss.net, sss.install, etc.
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