DSSS, Dsource, and cpan

Gregor Richards Richards at codu.org
Wed Apr 11 18:04:48 PDT 2007

Anders F Björklund wrote:
> Gregor Richards wrote:
>> I have a testing framework which checks whether dsss-net-installable 
>> tools succeed across all the systems I can x-compile to, with results 
>> posted at http://dsss.codu.org/results.html (I'm still working out 
>> some kinks, so there are false-negatives there ;) )
> For wxD the problem is that it is trying to build an old release (0.08)
> with a new D compiler, and fails because the implicit .ptr was removed.
> So it needs to either specify the D version to be used (DMD 0.177), or
> it needs to be updated to the 0.09 release. Not sure how to do either...
> --anders


If you'd like to keep it up to date yourself, you'd have to apply the 
patch dsss uses and then add yourself to dsss.codu.org .

  - Gregor Richards

PS: Pweeeeeeeeeze keep it up to date yourself X-P

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