volatile variables in D....
Davidl at 126.com
Thu Apr 12 06:56:17 PDT 2007
worth consideration!!
And the volatile statement we have now is completely not usable compare to
C++'s volatile prefix vars
> What is the correct way to impliment a volatile variable ala C++ in D?
> For example an ISR which triggers
> every 1 ms does some work and increments a heartbeat variable. How does
> one define this? In C++ you
> would define it as "volatile unsigned int timer_1ms;" and all referance
> would aways read from/write to the
> memory location. In D do you have to use the volatile key word on every
> statement that access this
> variable? That would be rather klunky and error prone, not to mention
> gdc does not always do the correct
> thing. Now that D is getting proper 'const', maybe it should get proper
> 'volatile'.
> Mark
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