DSSS, Dsource, and cpan
askme at me.com
Sat Apr 14 04:53:32 PDT 2007
Bill Baxter wrote:
> janderson wrote:
>> Walter Bright wrote:
>>> Anders F Björklund wrote:
>>>> Walter Bright wrote:
>>>>> You're right in the case of non-libraries. But I think the ddoc
>>>>> requirement should apply to libraries.
>>>> Not all projects use ddoc, some use for instance Doxygen instead...
>>> Rather than get into an argument about what makes a project certified
>>> or not, a 'digg' style voting system might be better:
>>> 1) each registered user can vote +1, 0, or -1 on each project. The
>>> project then gets a score, which is a simple sum of these.
>>> 2) a user can change their vote on a project at any time.
>>> 3) votes that are over 1 year old get expired, and set to 0.
>>> One potential difficulty with this is someone registering a boatload
>>> of accounts in order to shill a particular project. This can be
>>> mitigated if people can, sliced by project and user, see who voted
>>> for what.
>> I'm not sure about the whole negative re-enforcement. You may find it
>> scare contributions away.
> Matlab has a big user contribution site. Each project or code snippet
> gets its own page, people can rate the projects, and people can leave
> comments. The ratings are "stars" so it doesn't really seem so
> negative. Even if you have the worst rating you still have a "1 star",
> which sounds better than a minus anything. In practice lame projects
> just don't get reviewed because no one cares. Probably the only reason
> you'd get a bad review is if you promised the world and in the end your
> program just simply didn't work at all and thereby ended up wasting
> people's time.
> Here's one page from there.
> http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/loadCategory.do?objectType=category&objectId=131&objectName=Filtering
> If dsource added the *'s rating, and a way to search for projects based
> on keywords, I think it would be pretty much there. The download count
> on the matlab pages are kind of helpful as a guide too, but I don't know
> how you easy that would be to do given open access svn servers.
> --bb
Sounds great!
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