Time to do a Man's Work ??
David B. Held
dheld at codelogicconsulting.com
Sat Apr 14 10:07:09 PDT 2007
Dave wrote:
> David B. Held wrote:
>> credibility to the D enterprise. Rest assured that Andrei has not
>> disappeared from the face of D, but he has decided to give up the
>> newsgroup (or rather, he decided that when he felt it got too
>> uncivilized for his tastes). So, don't hold your breath waiting for him
> May I asked how you know this?
I know him personally, and he related this information to me directly in
a conversation.
> Andrei brought a lot to these NG's, and I hope he reconsiders.
Like others have pointed out, he's pretty busy (like we all are). For
him, giving up the D ng's is an opportunity to get things done. You
should be glad Walter doesn't post as much as Andrei did, or you'd never
get bug fixes. ;)
> Besides, there's always an alternative to "blacklisting" an entire
> group, and that would be simply to ignore those who a) continually piss
> you off, b) start making personal attacks and/or c) cannot let an
> argument drop w/ a "we'll just have to agree to disagree".
That's true, but Andrei was expecting the civility of a moderated group,
where flame wars and personal attacks are stopped before they are
started. I don't think he has much tolerance for unmoderated groups,
and if you've ever lurked on a group like comp.lang.c++, you can see
why. Some even considered starting a moderated D group, but in the end
it was decided that D hasn't reached the point where that is net
beneficial or necessary.
> [...]
> Well, at least that's good to hear. I actually think that Andrei did a
> lot to convince Walter to move on some issues that have often been
> argued for, and will benefit us all.
He's still arguing. ;)
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