alternate foreach syntax proposal
ao at
Sun Apr 15 14:19:19 PDT 2007
On second thought, that syntax wouldn't work to well. For one it generates
an ambiguity between
int dg(int dg(inout T)) Fn(Args...)
int Fn(int dg(inout T), Args...)
A better choice would be to have this form of foreach:
foreach(inout T; c.It, Args...)
call the named function with the body delegate and the provided args. There
isn't an ambiguity here because, given that the current form can't have args
after the iterated symbol, the args list would clearly identify that the
`extended call' form should be used rather than the `call and return delegate'
Reply to Benjamin,
> |class C
> |{
> | int Fn(int delegate(inout T), Args args)
> | {
> | // loop using args for filtering/order/etc.
> | if(int ret = dg(i))
> | return ret;
> | return 0;
> | }
> |}
> |C c = new C;
> |foreach(T t; c.Fn(args)) {...}
> The foreach would allow a function where the first parameter is a "int
> delegate(inout T)" to be used as an literator and have the other
> parameters passed from the "invocation".
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