Falling in love with D, but...
murpsoft at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 16 13:24:59 PDT 2007
Peter Verswyvelen Wrote:
> >An "if" has a buffer that gets executed for the true condition, which, when
> complete, EIP goes to the start of the *next* statement.
> > A "while" has exactly the same thing, except that when that buffer is completed,
> EIP goes back to the start of the *same* statement.
> Well, it seems you really have to take a look at LISP/Scheme's "continuations"
> then. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuation. Really cool things, but not
> many people understand them, and they make it difficult to debug or read the code,
> but the same could be said about lazy evaluation, closures, etc... I'm not sure if
> D supports continuations? I guess one can do the same with closures anyway.
In all honesty, I don't see how a Lisp Continuation relates to flow control other than that it claims to "save state to be continued" and then get back to it after performing something? Like a stack? Wikipedia was using all kinds of word overloading to express the concept. (I hate word overloading)
Abstraction of the x86 stack:
Consider the x86 stack a uint[]. The most recent element is always pushed onto the front (the zero side) of the stack. When a function is called, the top item on the stack is thus the first, and so forth.
Thus when we perform a function call in D, we get [EAX, &(ESP+0), &(ESP+4), &(ESP+8)...]
If we thus call the function "naked" and push EAX onto the stack, we then have ESP = arguments[arity];
One would obviously need to know the arity arbitrarily, or if you pass it in EAX, you don't even need to push it and you can store the argument.length there.
Comparable to Continuations:
Furthermore, if one examines the x86 stack after PUSHA, they will realize that you have everything you need for a thread state. Allowing single-cpu multithreading merely requires you to provide an interrupt which maintains a flexible ring buffer of ESP's which point to stacks immediately after a PUSHA. Immediately after switching items on the ring buffer, perform a POPA and then IRET. In Ring 0, this costs roughly 118 cycles on a x686; if you port it out of an interrupt to Ring 3, it can take as little as 38 cycles for an x686 system.
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