An open question to Rebuild users

Howard Berkey howard at
Mon Apr 16 14:15:39 PDT 2007

Anders F Bj�klund Wrote:
> I'm using Rebuild as a Bud/Build alternative, mostly since it was
> easier to compile but also since it seems to be a lot faster too.
That's why I initially grabbed it and dsss too, but I haven't looked back since just using dsss for everything.

> Eventually I might look into trying to replace several Makefiles
> with dsss.conf, but there is a slight learning threshold involved ?

In my experience, very slight.  I found it pretty ridiculously easy to get started with.  Granted the largest thing I have built with it are some projects using derelict and others using gtkD; I haven't used it to replace makefiles in a large system yet.  


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