An open question to Rebuild users

Gregor Richards Richards at
Mon Apr 16 20:40:32 PDT 2007

Wowsa! I wasn't expecting such exuberant reponse!

The primary complaint of everyone is lack of documentation. DSSS' 
documentation is admittedly sparse, but far from non-existent. I realize 
now that the documentation is not in the installation binaries, which 
was a bit of a mistake on my part, so for reference: What documentation 
I've written is at . I will try to 
get that linked in more visibly. Since most of the complaints about 
documentation were that it was completely non-existent, I can't really 
expand on the documentation there is very much. If you tell me specific 
weak points, overly-sparse areas or just plain confusing wording, I can 
improve upon it.

I will further reply in individual subthreads.

  - Gregor Richards

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