An open question to Rebuild users

Gregor Richards Richards at
Wed Apr 18 16:47:37 PDT 2007

Derek Parnell wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Apr 2007 21:06:09 +0200, Frank Benoit (keinfarbton) wrote:
>> Why not help DSSS instead of compete?
>> I really see no advantage in competition in a little community like this.
> I have no opinion about DSSS yet. I was talking specifically about Rebuild
> only. 
> But why compete, well why have GDC then? And in any case, Bud existed prior
> to Rebuild so I guess it would be unusual for me to say "Somebody has
> created another application that does the same task as mine so I better
> stop working on mine now."
> As Gregor has said, he started Rebuild because he, and others, were unhappy
> that I couldn't meet their needs in the timeframe that was acceptable. I
> believe this is reasonble justification for starting up a competitive
> application.
> A little healthly competition can, and probably will, provide the D
> community with two or more excellent choices, each with a particular
> feature set more suitable to one situation over another situation.
> Bud is fairly mature and stable and Rebuild is getting that way quickly.
> The D community will benefit from this. At the moment, Bud supports DMD
> better than GDC and Rebuild is the other way round (I think). Bud is
> written in D and Rebuild in C++, and that might be a relevent point of
> differentiation for some users. Bud does not yet support Tango and Rebuild
> does. etc ...
> Should I stop working on Bud and begin helping Gregor improve Rebuild? I
> don't think so. Not yet anyway.

Hear, hear!

  - Gregor Richards

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