D and the world
eao197 at intervale.ru
Mon Apr 23 03:15:09 PDT 2007
On Mon, 23 Apr 2007 13:28:56 +0400, David B. Held
<dheld at codelogicconsulting.com> wrote:
> I think what even FP langs have not explored to a compelling level of
> detail is metaprogramming. I get the impression that most FP
> programmers feel that higher-order functions are good enough, and even
> Lisp "just has macros". But I think D will show that while macros are
> powerful, they are not a replacement for templates and do not cover the
> full space of metaprogramming. Yes, it is possible to do non-macro
> metaprogramming in Lisp, but being a dynamically checked language, this
> isn't nearly as interesting as it is in D.
I'm afraid that D will lose the competition to Nemerle in such area.
Because Nemerle is FP language and is based on metaprogramming. Nemerle
has very small FP-core of language and everything else is implemented via
macros (even if- and for-statements are macros in Nemerle). Unlike Lisp
Nemerle is a statically typed languages, it has generics too. And Nemerle
is .Net language, so it already has a big amount of avialable libraries.
Yauheni Akhotnikau
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