Let Go, Standard Library From Community

Sean Kelly sean at f4.ca
Mon Apr 23 12:02:01 PDT 2007

Bill Baxter wrote:
> Yeh, I'm not saying there's anything inherently wrong with a CS degree. 
> But you may be better off with something else, unless what you really 
> want to do is take fundamental concepts of computing to the next level. 
>  Just like you don't major in math just to learn how to use math.  You 
> major in math if you're interested in creating *new* math.  Or 
> discovering it.  Whatever you want to call it.
> If what you want to do is create advanced new compilers or new 
> languages, or new algorithms, then yeh, the CS degree is a good thing, 
> provided it's done right.

If nothing else, a CS background should provide someone with the tools 
necessary to solve complex problems and prevent too many wheels from 
being reinvented in the process.  An ignorance of basic algorithms and 
data structures is inexcusable for someone creating software.


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