Let Go, Standard Library From Community

Dan murpsoft at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 24 07:11:39 PDT 2007

Jascha Wetzel <[firstname]@mainia.de> Wrote:

> the german name of this subject is more appropriate.
> "informatik" suggests the science of information.
> just because there are no experiments doesn't mean it's not a science,
> though. mathematics is usually considered a science although has no
> experiments either. that's because both aren't natural sciences 
... [and the rest of his post]

Well said, sir.  

If you think the understanding behind computer science is trivial, being a mathematician is easy!  All there is to it is a few variables and formulas and stuff.

That said, I actually find myself pretty decent at understanding math, I'm just highly inconsistent at doing it - which is why I have a computer.  : )

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