D Developers Conference

Tom tom at nospam.com
Thu Apr 26 20:55:31 PDT 2007

It's pretty sad to be so far away :'(
I know I'll be there some day...

How I envy the people that can attend... (in the good way)

Kind regards,
(Tomás Rossi)

Brad Roberts escribió:
> It's been way too long since my last update on the D conference front. 
> I've procured the space, cajoled a few people into speaking, and put 
> together a quick website:
>     http://d.puremagic.com/conference2007/
> If you will be attending, please click on the registration link.  There 
> isn't an entrance fee or anything like that, but I do need to get a 
> fairly accurate count of who will be attending.
> I'm looking forward to seeing you all there.. mark your calendars, 
> August 23 and 24, 2007.
> Later,
> Brad

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