D and the world

Gregor Richards Richards at codu.org
Sat Apr 28 01:57:55 PDT 2007

Dan wrote:
> Gregor Richards Wrote:
>> Daniel Giddings wrote:
>>> I'll give it a go - currently I'm wrapping up parts of Ogre (just 
>>> playing around with it in D at the moment) - www.ogre3d.org.
>>> It's not hard to do manually, but there is a lot of it.
>>> :-) Dan
>>> Gregor Richards wrote:
>>>> Has everyone forgotten about bcd.gen?
>>>> http://www.dsource.org/projects/bcd/
>>>>  - Gregor Richards
>>>> (PS: No, it isn't complete. Templates rarely work. I haven't been 
>>>> actively working on it since people showed very little interest in it, 
>>>> and it had accomplished what I wanted it to)
>> Ogre is very, very templatey. It's not even worth the attempt with the 
>> current state of bcd.gen.
>>   - Gregor Richards
> So what we really need then is to re-activate the BCD project and work out the bugs with the template system?
> You still interested in heading the project if you got some help Gregor?  Polish it up a touch?

Sorry I didn't respond to this, I hate deeply-nested threads :)

Sure. I still maintain bcd.gen, I just haven't made any changes because 
it does everything I need. If somebody wants to assist me in making it 
better, hooplah.

  - Gregor Richards

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