Does D need a sscanf?
Daniel Keep
daniel.keep.lists at
Mon Apr 30 07:20:06 PDT 2007
Anders F Björklund wrote:
> Daniel Keep wrote:
>> For a current project, I've had to go and implement a D version of C's
>> venerable sscanf function. Thanks to a combination of regular
>> expressions, templates and tuples, the sucker's type-safe and
>> arbitrarily extensible.
> I called mine "unformat", to match "format". Like writef / readf.
Mine's called parsef (although it should probably be just parse to match
format), with a convenience function readfln (to match writefln, naturally.)
> No regular expressions or templates or tuples back then, though.
I remember those days... huddled around a camp fire in a dark cave,
eating freshly bludgeoned Dromaeosaurid... back before deodorant...
>> Anyway, it's good enough for what I need, but I was wondering if there's
>> any demand for it in the standard library. I'm happy to work to bring
>> it up to scratch and public domain it if people want to see it in Phobos
>> (and if Walter wants it there, of course.) Heaven knows I've wanted
>> this exact function from std.stdio myself a few times. :)
> a.k.a. std.stdo :-)
I noticed :P
>> What do you think?
> See
> --anders
Hmm... parsef doesn't work the same way as doFormat does... actually, it
looks like this:
> bool parsef(argsT...)(char[] pattern, char[] string, out argsT args)
> {
> char[] regex; scope(exit) delete regex;
> uint[] groups; scope(exit) delete groups;
> regex = ftor(pattern, groups);
> return parsefr(regex, string, groups, args);
> }
Is it a problem that it doesn't use the same getc/ungetc interface?
Obviously, that wouldn't work with RegExp, although I am rather partial
to this addition I made:
char[] word, restOfLine;
readfln("%/[^ ]+/%s", word, restOfLine);
%/.../ lets you use an arbitrary regexp :)
-- Daniel
int getRandomNumber()
return 4; // chosen by fair dice roll.
// guaranteed to be random.
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