template forward reference

C. Dunn cdunn2001 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 1 14:10:20 PDT 2007

Sean Kelly Wrote:

> It looks like a compiler bug to me, though who knows when it will be 
> addressed.

Problems related to this are getting tougher and tougher to get around.  I now compile with all files on one command-line, and that is no longer enough.

I have templates in several different files now.  If I change the order of .d files on the command-line, I get different messages like this:

  template instance Foo!(Far) does not match any template declaration

I have not been able to reduce the errors to a simple testcase, but I understand the basic problem: D does not have a global view of templates.  It needs to remember every template definition that it sees, including specializations, so that it can insert it when requested.

This has become a very serious problem and may make it impossible for us to use this language, which I otherwise enjoy very much.

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