a more consistent const syntax
Chris Nicholson-Sauls
ibisbasenji at gmail.com
Sun Aug 5 10:33:04 PDT 2007
Daniel919 wrote:
> I've got some ideas about how to make the const syntax more
> consistent.
> First I will show you the current situation.
> Then I will list the confusions and possible solutions.
> Some days ago I already mentioned my first idea on IRC, but got no replies.
> Also I know that you, Walter, hardly don't change features, which
> already have been implemented.
> And my suggestions would require this of course.
> The "define proposal" is not such a big change in the language,
> in opposite to the much more important idea about
> "putting the return type in a bracket at the end".
> Because this is what the last idea requires, it's written after "WAIT:".
> Nevertheless I will give it a try, because 2.0 is still alpha and it
> will break code compatibility anyway.
> currently the keyword const(/invariant) has three meanings:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> 1. alone: const x = 1; compile-time variable (not an lvalue)
Well technically if that was what I wanted, I'd use one of 'invariant x
= 1;' or a more explicit 'final invariant(int) x = 1;'.
> 2. with(): const(P) p = new Point(1,2); run-time object, which is
> protected from changes
Well, protected from changes via this reference... but yeah. I'd say
the 'const(type)' case would/should be used most often anyhow.
> 3. alone: const P func(P p) { writefln(p.x, " ", p.y); }; attribute for
> a member function: the function can't change any class fields
#3 is an issue, in my book. Not a massive one, but its there. We'll
get into that one below.
> confusions and solutions:
> -------------------------
> #1
> 1. const x = 1;
> 2. const(P) p = new Point(1,2);
> you see const first and later recognize the brackets
> one would not expect brackets to lead to a completely different meaning
> of the forrun keyword
My eyes are trained to spot them... still yes, a sudden shift in meaning
can be counter-intuitive. Although its not entirely a shift... you
could probably think of 'const x = 1;' as shorthand for 'final
const(int) x = 1;'.
> 1. define x = 1;
> 2. const(P) p = new Point(1,2);
> can't be confused anymore, different keywords
> define defines a compile-time variable
> const / invariant has nothing to do with compile-time anymore. it only
> means protection
Adding new keywords is usually the absolute last option around here.
(There was talk ages past of replacing 'auto x = 1' with 'let x = 1'.)
> #2
> 3. const P func(P p) { ... }
> reads like: func returns a const(P)
Which is, indeed, a problem -- in that I agree.
> const / invariant alone (without brackets) is an attribute and has no
> other meaning
> further proposal: returned types in a bracket at the end:
> 3. const func (P p) (P) { ... }
> //templated syntax: const func!(T) (T p) (T) { ... }
Uhm. Ew. No, seriously, I just could not possibly handle that; I would
keep thinking I saw templates where there aren't any. Worse yet, for a
long time I'll see the '!(' and keep wondering how I could be
instantiating a template in that position, when its really a template
declaration. T'is a naughty naughty thing to mix the two -- would give
both the compiler and the user headaches. IMHO, its the
'const'/'invariant' keyword on methods that needs to move -- not sure
where it should go, though. What looks best down here? ;) (First
listing is the current state, for reference.)
const P vunc (P p) { ... }
P const func (P p) { ... }
P const:func (P p) { ... }
P const(func) (P p) { ... }
P func const (P p) { ... }
P func:const (P p) { ... }
P func (P p) const { ... }
> #3
> 1. same meaning: invariant x = 1; const x = 1;
For basic types, there often isn't much difference anyhow. Except that
invariant members of structures allocate no memory in the structure, for
> not allowed anymore: const(/invariant) alone is an attribute, instead use:
> 1. define x = 1;
> #4
> //this is ok: final int x = 1; const(int)* xptr = &x; // but:
> 2. const(int) x = 1;
> this is nonsense and also atm it could be confused with:
> 1. const int x = 1;
> the compiler should issue at least a warning, and instead you should use:
> 1. define x = 1;
> #5
> void func(const P p) { typeof(p) == const(P) }
> bad, because one could expect this to be also valid then:
> const P p = new P(1,2); //but fails of course
> correctly is has to be:
> void func(const(P) p) { ... }
> void func(ref const(P) p) { p = new P(3,4); } //OK
> //void func(const(int) i) { ... } //const(int) nonsense (see #4)
> //void func(ref const(int) i) { ... } //const(int) nonsense (see #4)
> compiler should issue an error
> const(/invariant) alone is an attribute
> -----
> because we have another syntax for compile-time variables now,
> we could say that:
> const P** ptr2ptr2P means:
> const(P**) ptr2ptr2P
> in this case, #5 would be allowed
> but this would also require #2 further proposal to be implemented,
> because if it wasn't:
> const P** func() { ... }
> would not only be confused with, but it would be THE SAME as:
> const(P**) func() { ... }
> then the correct form would have to be:
> const func() (const P**) { ...}
> note that #4 would be true for: const int x = 1; then
> this would be nonsense, because it would be the same as: const(int) x = 1;
> so the compiler should issue at least a warning
> PS: Having the return types in a bracket at the end, would make it
> possible to implement multiple return values / return tuples
> in a consistent way, too.
> It would also allow more tricks, like returning local values of a
> function, avoiding ref, etc etc ...
> I would really enjoy to get some replies (especially yours, Walter),
> even if it's just a: "No that's totally stupid" ;)
> Best regards,
> Daniel
No that's totally stupid.
Ahh I'm just kidding. At least you're thinking about the situation and
offering suggestions. (And welcome to the tiny militia of 'const R
func()' syntax detractors. ;)) The final/const/invariant system needs
some good hammering yet -- although its off to a lovely start, danke Walter.
-- Chris Nicholson-Sauls
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