Overloading/Inheritance issue

Daniel Keep daniel.keep.lists at gmail.com
Sun Aug 5 19:27:34 PDT 2007

Walter Bright wrote:
> Jeff Nowakowski wrote:
>> I think optimizing your language for vi and the printer is a dead-end.
>> The vast majority of the time a developer is going to be working on
>> his code on a computer using some tool.  If a tool lets you make use
>> of a big productivity feature, then it makes sense to use it and
>> officially endorse it as a basic requirement of the language.  Even vi
>> users use tools like grep and ctags.
> Everyone uses different tools, and particular tools may not be available
>  on all platforms D is on.
> FWIW, a lot of hard core programmers still use vi.

Cool; I'm hard core!  Wait... does it still count if I'm using vim with
a gui? :P

Incidentally, I tried switching to Code::Blocks so I would have a nice
gui to use with ddbg, but in the end I went back to using ddbg on the
command line; compared to vim, Code::Blocks' editor is crap :)

	-- Daniel

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