D and parallel programming

Regan Heath regan at netmail.co.nz
Tue Aug 7 01:25:58 PDT 2007

Sean Kelly wrote:
> Support for multithreaded programming (what I assume you meant by 
> "parallel programming") in D largely amounts to a standard Thread object 
> in the library, as well as a "synchronized" keyword which behaves quite 
> similar to the one in Java.  

Except that (importantly, IMO) it's re-entrant.
By that I mean, if you have:

class Foo
   int i;

   void bar()

void main()
   Foo f = new Foo();

you get no deadlock.  As I believe they do in Java (someone correct me 
if I'm wrong).

In short, multiple synchronized blocks, on the same object, in the same 
thread are allowed and do not cause a deadlock.

Anyone know what the C# behaviour is in this case?


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