Is D floating point semantics too advanced?

Hans-Eric Grönlund hasse42g at
Fri Aug 24 11:11:17 PDT 2007

Finally a convincing reason for the behavior. I also realized, when reading up on the IEEE 754 specification, that NaN was not necessarily represented as one value, but could be a whole family of values. That complicates things further.

I hereby drop my case!

Thank you all for your comments!

Lars Noschinski Wrote:

> * Hans-Eric Grönlund <hasse42g at> [07-08-23 16:45]:
> >Hello!
> >
> >I've written a post on my blog wondering if the floating point semantics is too advanced. The problem I have with it is that I can't write something like this:
> >
> >if (someValue == real.nan) {...}
> In this case it seems unintuitive because you use NaN explicitly on the
> right side. But you'd probably be surprised to see
>      0.0/0.0 == sqrt(-1.L)
> evaluating to true.

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