Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at billbaxter.com
Mon Aug 27 17:15:23 PDT 2007

Sean Kelly wrote:
> Bill Baxter wrote:
>> I saw mention of DTL in the Andrei/Walter slides.
>> But it didn't mention who is doing it, where to find it, or if it's 
>> not available yet, when approximately it would debut.
> DTL is a now defunct library that was originally developed by Matthew 
> Wilson.  Its main selling point was an intriguing interpretation of 
> ranges combined with the usual STL-like containers.  I gather that such 
> a library is on Walter and Andrei's "to do" list, and it's on mine as 
> well (in fact, it's the #1 item).

Yeh, I remember that DTL.  However that's defunct as you say and the 
"Standard Library" section from the Andrei/Walter presentation contains 
just one slide and it's titled "DTL" so I took it that they were 
co-opting the name and starting afresh.

>> Also, will it be phobos dependent?
> There is no reason that such a library would need to depend on either 
> Phobos or Tango, aside from its possible inclusion in either or both.

I agree that it would be possible to make it independent of runtime, but 
it's also easy to think of small things that might thwart that.  Like
1) toString
2) different std library exception hierarchies
3) use of low level library functionality like std.string.format.


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