Function name as text

Jarrett Billingsley kb3ctd2 at
Wed Dec 5 14:39:02 PST 2007

"Bill Baxter" <dnewsgroup at> wrote in message 
news:fj76f5$7ou$2 at
> Craig Black wrote:
>> OK I think it's possible with mixins but the syntax is ugly.  It would be
>> Event event = mixin(dispatch("&"));
>> Which leads me to an idea that has probably been proposed before.  It 
>> would be nice if I could shorten this to simply
>> Event event = dispatch(&;
>> There may be reasons why this syntax would be difficult to achieve, but I 
>> think it would be worthwhile if we could.
>> Thoughts?
> My understanding is that that is exactly what macros are going to do. 
> Define dispatch as a macro, then its arguments get passed as strings.  I 
> think the main issue is just working out the grammar and all the various 
> compiler bits to make it work.
> --bb


macro dispatch(&x.y)
    Event(y.stringof, &x.y)

Or something like that.  Then

Event e = dispatch(&;

turns into

Event e = Event("", &;

Heck, you could remove the requirement for the ugly ampersand.

macro dispatch(x.y)
    Event(y.stringof, &x.y)

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