Any word on the return-type const syntax?

Janice Caron caron800 at
Sun Dec 9 00:23:05 PST 2007

On 12/9/07, Janice Caron <caron800 at> wrote:
> > transfer_const.d(7): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression
> > (cast(int*)(this.a)) of type int* to invariant(int)*
> Yep, sorry. It should be

No, sorry - I figured out the problem. Invariant classes and invariant
member functions make no sense. This was discussed in another thread
somewhere, and Walter agreed. So in fact, you only have to consider
the const and non-const instantiations. You can forget the invariant
one. So, in fact, you only need

     class MyArray(T)
         T[] a;

         T* ptr() { return a.ptr; }
         const(T)* ptr() const { return a.ptr; }

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